In 2016, Sabiha embarked on her entrepreneurial odyssey by enrolling in a jute handicraft training program at the government-run Jute Diversification Promotion Center (JDPC). This marked the inception of her remarkable endeavor, Purnata Crafts. Purnata Crafts, under Sabiha’s visionary leadership, specializes in crafting an array of jute products, including meeting files, cardholders, folders, pen stands, bags, and various jute accessories. These finely crafted items are not only revered within the country but also find a significant demand overseas.
Sabiha ardently believes in the environmental merits of jute products, contrasting them with the less eco-friendly lacquer alternatives. She emphasizes that jute, a renewable and biodegradable resource, is cherished not only locally but also internationally. Sabiha’s commitment to quality and craftsmanship led her to export her jute goods to foreign markets.
One remarkable anecdote in her journey stands out. A Bangladeshi businessman commissioned her to create a birthday card for Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. Sabiha poured her heart and soul into this task, delivering a jute card fit for a queen. The result was a heartfelt thank-you letter from Queen Elizabeth II, a testament to Sabiha’s craftsmanship.
Acknowledging the instrumental role that information and training play in business success, Sabiha expresses her gratitude to the Bangladesh Youth Enterprise Advice and Help Center (BYEAH). The invaluable business knowledge and skills she gained from BYEAH’s training have been pivotal in her entrepreneurial growth.
She has also harnessed the power of online platforms, particularly Facebook, to connect with a global audience. Her business has garnered massive attention and recognition, leading to its expansion.
The progress she has made serves as a testament to her unyielding dedication. With an unshakable belief in the potential of jute, Sabiha envisions a bright future for the industry. She takes pride in utilizing local raw materials, contributing to the sustainable utilization of jute, a resource of great significance to Bangladesh. While acknowledging the global demand for jute products, she draws attention to the country’s limited measures to curb the use of polythene. She believes that as awareness grows, the demand for jute will continue to surge, creating opportunities for numerous budding entrepreneurs in the field.
Sabiha Islam Bithi’s aspirations soar high. She envisions her company becoming one of the premier jute product manufacturers and exporters in the country. Her journey is a remarkable testament to the potential of entrepreneurship and the transformative power of a vision, fueled by unwavering determination. In the years to come, Sabiha is poised to make even greater strides in the world of jute, leaving an indelible mark on the industry and inspiring others to follow in her footsteps.